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‘BYOD for Mobile Learning’

The final product of this NOOC by the INTEF “BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for Mobile Learning” will be to design a lesson plan to implement in your class with your students.

1. Title: Physical Education in CLIL: Enhancing Language Through Meaningful Use and Interaction.
2. Short Description: The aim of this speech is to present the main features of a Physical Education in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) programme and explain how it improves English. Although Physical Education (PE) relates to many transferable and specific competences, it is underestimated as a subject which can develop academic and language skills. It uses student’s intrinsic motivation for movement to enhance their willingness to retain information. Motivation compensates for the difficulty of learning a foreign language. PE provides authentic, real-life situations that increase both language-time exposure and oral interaction.
3. Age group and Subject: The question of the research is: how does a Physical Education and Language Integrated programme significantly improved children’s oracy in their 5th Primary year? Because of the rather low level of local language literacy proficiency, much of the translation is often from literacy to oracy.
4. Timing. Conection between theory and practice. Some examples are put into practice to demonstrate how to create balanced and efficient integrated tasks: - Line-up game. - Together! - Giant cards game. We can embed 8 or 9 lessons for improvement of speaking. It is a good thing learning by doing because PE are balanced tasks have a measured equivalent amongst motor skills, communication skills and cognitive skills. Cross Curricular Links like music, science, Arts and crafts,  history ... support  CLIL in Practice Learning by doing.
5. Aims: Main features of Physical Education in CLIL: a) It fosters cognition and cultural awareness. b) It provides learners with motor skills. c) Communication skills. d) Life-long learning. e) Citizenship skills.
6. Steps: There are five Thematic Content Blocks. 1. Body Awareness image and perception. 2. Motor Skills. 3. Physical and Artistic expression. 4. Physical Activity and Health. 5. Games and Sports. Reorganized in three main Blocks: a) This is my body: Knowledge of the body anatomically and functionally. b) I can move in the environment : Spatial orientation, time perception and basic patterns of movement. c) I can play: development of motor skills and physical abilities in Games and Sports.
7. Assessment : Joint assessment by technical skills, we evaluate the students physical and technical skills thank you to the P.E. Teacher.And  Language evaluation, we evaluate the use of Language related to P.E. CLIL in  activities connected to physical skills, thank you to Foreign Language Teacher. Also coordinated assessment and instruments as daily observation, rubrics, oral tests (TPR), written tests: listening, reading, speaking and writing.
8. P.E. And ICT (Technology and Communication Information) Resources: P.E. CLIL uses Web pages, CD ROM, Games, Nintendo, WI Games and Internet Blogs: P.E. CLIL school blogs, P.E. CLIL magazines,... Moodle Learning and Internet videos from YouTube, or Video Cameras. White Board Presentations Smart (Exchange) PROMETHEAN.
9.Tutorials for the Resources: P.E. CLIL and Teachers Coordination: The parallel model, CLIL teaching and foreign language teaching working side by side. The integrative model, CLIL teaching and FLT (Foreign Language Teaching) working coordinated. CLIL Teacher, coordination with the FLT ( It is advisable) and coordination with the P.E. Teacher ( it is essential).Homework Homework: how much is Too Much?


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