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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

“Valores democráticos y Convivencia en la red”(1ª Ed)

 Hola, el reto final del NOOC “ Valores democráticos y Convivencia en la red”(1ª Ed) tiene a continuación el plan propuesto:”... te pedimos que diseñes una actividad para tu contexto profesional que promueva entre tu potencial alumnado la conciencia cívica y los valores democráticos en la convivencia e interacción social en la red.” Destinatarios: Alumnado de FOL (Formación y Orientación Laboral) que se imparte en todos los ciclos de Formación Profesional (tanto de Grado Medio como de Grado Superior) de todas las familias profesionales. Por eso decimos que FOL es un módulo transversal. Objetivos: Conocer las diferentes redes sociales más utilizadas. Uso de las redes sociales por parte de los estudiantes. Aportes de las redes sociales en educación. Contenidos: Las redes sociales. Papel de las redes sociales en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Uso educativo de las redes sociales. Blogging en la educación. Edublog como producto. Actividades:   Creación del b

Step 11: Set Up Student Blogs (ll)

 Create your Student Blogs with My Class It is time to create your student blogs, now that you have done all the research! The easiest way to set up and manage all student blogs is using My Class. My Class is a management tool that teachers use to: Quickly create student blogs with or without a student email address. Allow students to publish their own posts on their student blogs and/or the class blog. Control comment moderation settings on student blogs. Either the teacher or student can be in charge of comment moderation. Control the privacy settings on all student blogs with just one click! Blogs can be public, private, or somewhere in between (e.g. search engines can be blocked or only logged in users can visit blogs). Quickly view and/or moderate posts and comments in one location in the Reader. Quickly enable extra features on student blogs such as following embed code. Configure the settings to ensure all student posts are reviewed by a teacher before the posts are p

Step 11: Set Up Student Blogs (l)

Tips for creating student blogs You can use any blogging platform you like including Edublogs, WordPress, and Blogger, however when, we write detailed instructions they will refer to Edublogs . You can adapt this information to the blogging platform you are using. Unsure about what blogging platform to use? Edublogs is based on WordPress software that’s designed for education which makes it in excellent choice. We will now go through three important things to consider before creating your student blogs: 1. Student Usernames, Blog URLs, and Blog Titles Educators normally use the same name for both the student’s username and blog URL.  Keep them simple and easy for the student to remember. Most educators use a combination of their student’s first name followed by numbers that might represent the year, class number, and/or school initials. This is done to: 1. To protect the identity of the student (by not including their last name). 2.  To ensure their username is unique (as Edub

Step11: Set Up Student Blogs

  Step 11: Set Up Student Blogs   The final step in this series guides you through the process of setting up your student blogs. If you are not up to having student blogs, you might like to read through the information and keep it in mind for the future. Why Educators use Student  Blogs Educators normally start of with a class blog where the teacher writes the posts, and the students respond by writing comments. This gives the teacher time to increase their skills while gradually introducing their students to blogging, and educating their students on what is required. Student learning and writing improves faster when each student has their own blog as ownership is an important part of blogging.Students are more motivated by their own blogs when class blogging is done well. Another key benefit of student blogs is that they can be used as an ePortfolio or digital portfolio to create an archive of your students’ learning. Top 10 Reasons for Students to Blog Must Watch Videos  Th

Step 10: Connect with Other Classes (lll)

#Comments4kids Is a hashtag used by educators to tweet student posts that deserve to be commented on. #Comments4kids might include students who need encouragement or exceptional work.  Other Tips It is important to add a visitor tracking widget to your sidebar so your students and readers can see who is visiting the blog and add a widget to encourage visitors to leave a comment. Learn more about connecting  Check out Connected from the start: Digital Learning in the Primary Grades  by Kathy Cassidy focuses on Kathy’s  Book on the journey with 6 and 7 years old, the concepts, tips, some ideas she shares on using blogs for connecting (as well as digital portfolios, Twitter, and Skype) are applicable to all primary grades. Task: 1- Leave a comment and let us know which of the collaboration options mentioned you would like to try with your students and why!   Connecting with other classes around the world is fun! Global collaboration often seems to spark a natural sense of curiosi

Step 10: Connect with Other Classes (ll)

  International Dot Day   Every year, millions of educators and students connect on or around September 15th to celebrate creativity, courage and collaboration. Participating in International Dot Day is simple. You sign up on the website, read The Dot Book to your class, and express yourself in any way that’s in line with themes from the book. Then finally, you are invited to connect with other classes around the world and the Dot Day organizers can help you to do this. Skype in the classroom  Skype in the classroom is an online community that enables teachers to bring the world into their classroom via Skype . Class can go on virtual field trip, play mystery Skype and meet (for first time) with guest speakers. Participate in a global collaboration project and to take part in a Skype lesson. Teachers can sign up for Skype in the classroom on the Microsoft Educator website. Skype Here are, some examples of class blogging share their Mystery location sessions: 1. Participating i

Step 10: Connect with Other Classes (l)

  How to get started There is a wide range of options for connecting your class blogs (or students blogs) with other classes including. Here are a few popular entry points. Student blogging challenge  The student blogging challenge runs twice yearly starting in March and October. It is made up of a series of 11 weekly tasks all designed to improve blogging and commenting skills while connecting students with a global audience and being supported by a team of blogging mentors. The Challenge is open to both class blogs and to individual student bloggers from all over the world and of all ages.  Participants can complete as many of the tasks as they like and in any order. The Student Blogging Challenge Quad Blogging or Team Blogging  Quad Blogging or Team Blogging involves connecting your class to a quad group of four schools/classes ( a group of four  is a simple choice but it can be more or less ). The idea behind quad Blogging is each classroom takes a turn for a week being t

Step 10: Connect with Other Classes

 The aim of this step 10, Connect with Other Classes is to:  Explain the value of connecting with other classes Demonstrate the types of projects educators use to develop global connections through blogging. Why Connect with Other Classes?  Connecting with other classes can have a huge impact on your class blog because: Your students benefit from having an authentic audience and global audience. You gain from being supported by other educators — increasing your skills and developing new ideas that benefit your students. There are many reasons why global collaboration is worthwhile: 1. Connecting with other classes around the world is fun! even for those who are disengaged with some aspects of traditional schooling. 2. Developing global competence is a Must. They need to be comfortable with global collaboration. 3. The curriculum can come alive. Global projects can offer an authentic and innovative way to teach and go beyond learning benchmarks. 4. Global collaborati

Step 9: Creating and Using Video (V)

  You embed a video using the URL as follows: (to be continued) 2. Go to Posts > Add New or Pages> Add New or open an existing post or page in editing mode. 3. Paste the URL on a line by itself in your post/page editor. Important URL embed Tips The link must be on its own line without any characters or whitespaces before or after the URL and must not be hyperlinked otherwise it will not embed. You can tell if a URL is hyperlinked by clicking on the link. If the hyperlinked button in the toolbar highlights and a link box with the option to edit appears, like the  screenshot below, it means your link is hyperlinked. Click on Remove Link icon to remove the hyperlink. Embed a video using the URL with Google Drive Using Embed Code You can also embed videos using their embed code. This is handy when you: When you want to change the size of the video embed When you want to remove related videos when embedding YouTube videos, or When you are embedding from a video sharing we

Step 9: Creating and Using Video (lV)

 Vimeo   V imeo is another popular video sharing and viewing website. So far as I know less videos are hosted on Vimeo compared to YouTube. Vimeo  is less likely to be blocked in schools compared to YouTube which is why it’s a popular video hosting website for uploading videos for class and for finding videos to use in class. The free plans do have some restrictions such as 500MB per week of upload space, up to 5GB total account storage. Google Drive Google Drive allows you upload video files up to 10 GB in size on your desktop computer or using Google Drive app on your mobile app device. You can then share them with specific people or embed them into  posts and websites. Google Drive is a popular video hosting option for schools using Google Apps for education. Many of our Google Apps for education schools upload their videos to Google Drive  and used the embed code to add to their posts. Embed Video in Posts Videos from video sharing websites can be embedded into posts or pages

Step 9: Creating and Using Video (lll)

 Copyright and Videos    Video is more confusing than images you see a lot of remixed videos online or videos using commercial music, especially on YouTube.  You are free to embed any video from YouTube, Vimeo, BlipTV, WatchKnowLearn, etc.  on your blog or website as long as it gives you the embed option.  That being said, you (or your students) can’t necessarily use parts from videos on YouTube (or other sources) to make mashups or as part of another video. If you use any video that you are cutting, Making changes to, or adding to a project (or adding audio) it is better to either: Use Creative Commons content. Use free or public domain content Request permission from the copyright holder. Note: Refer to The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons for comprehensive information on the use of images, curriculum docs, text and quotes, music,videos. YouTube Copyright Basics If you do use copyright content on YouTube  this is what might happen: 1. The vid

Step 9: Creating and Using Video (ll)

 Video Techniques      Creating videos can be as simple as recording a video on your phone, tablet, or camera and sharing it with the world. Of course, a lot more elaborate techniques and editing can go into video creation as well. Digital Storytelling  Digital storytelling refers to a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to create and share stories. Stories through the lens  is an excellent resource to help you and your students create great images and video for digital storytelling. RSA Animate Style Video  RSAnimate style videos combine illustrations that follow along with what the speaker is saying. You will find detailed instructions for creating RSA Animate Style Videos with students here. Stop Motion Video Stop motion is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of

Step 9: Creating and Using Video (l)

 Book Creator.    iOS /  Android    Book Creator allows students to quickly create their own beautiful books. We have included Book Creator in our video section because books created using this app are often shared as a video. Karen Arrington has some great posts about using Book Creator with her students: Learn all the different ways you can share your books including  sharing as a video. Numerous ideas for using Book Creator with different ages. The free plan allows you to create one library of up to 40 books.   Explain Everything  iOS /  Android    Explain Everything is an app that lets you annotate, animate, and narrate explanations and presentations. Here is an example of Grade 2 student using Explain Everything for increasing patterns. Explain Everything app Instagram  iOS / Android  Instagram  is a social networking platform that is designed for sharing photos and videos. Users can apply digital filters to their images and share them on a variety of social networking

Step 9: Creating and Using Video

 Step 9: Creating and Using Video   The aim of this step is to provide an overview of creating and using videos with students. We will help you get started using/creating videos, or get more out of using videos. Why Educators Use Video   Educators use videos for a wide range of purposes including:   To motivate and engage students — students enjoy using technology to create their own videos. To supplement or enhance a lesson to bring the topic to life. To provide instructions that students can review anytime and everywhere. This is handy for when  students are absent, to help students with extension or extra support, and for exam revision. Video can be used in so many different ways and it is impossible to cover them all! Video creating and editing    There is a wide range of video creation and editing tools and apps available. You can use these to quickly create and/or edit videos. Animoto.    iOS / Android / Web     Animoto Allows you to create videos from photo